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About me

MD, PhD, FAAN, CMO. Neuroscientist.

I write in Python language, build robots, sail, swim, play chess, play guitar. I speak fluently 7 foreign languages. 


Cameras: Canon 1100 D, Canon 5D Mark II

Vanguard Tripod

Lee Filters: polarizer, big stopper, light filters

Lenses: Canon MP65, Zeiss Wide Angle, Various 

Other Lenses: Lensbaby

Other: GoPro



Wo die Liebe herrscht, da gibt es keinen machtwillen, und wo die macht den vorrang hat, da fehlt die Liebe. Das eine ist der Schatten des andern (Carl Gustav Jung)

Every upgrade brings along new bugs.

The same problem is not the same

The peace you seek outside does not solve the war you are in


If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours (Kahlil Gibran)

Since love went from being a game to being a joke, relationships where everything is about love have become connections where everything is but love


Love does not require logic, but logistics

The feeling of shame of being in the world generates lies and masks

In science dealing with how is far easier than dealing with why

A system that calls itself attractive for a long time is a system with numerous bugs

Today freedom is jumping from cage to cage, and the cages are often inside each other

   I once had a thousand desires, but in my one desire to know you, all else melted away.(Rumi)

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